Night,,, night,,, is with me right now, accompany me, cheer me, hug me tightly, especially this night, night,,, will never let me in sadness
, will never let me in confused, will never let me cry, he will always be with me and try to answer me why today my inspiration is lost and my mind is blank???? Why,,,???
I can't find the answer from this question.
what I'm sad??? am I in trouble???
I don't know why I feel like that???
If I'm sad,,, sad because of what???
If I'm in problem,,, I think I have no big problem.
but why I don't know what I feel right now, I really confused, I really feel so hard to dealing this day, this time, and I don't know when this moment will going on from me.
I can only wishing this moment will quickly go away from me.
My activity is so bad, my work is bad, all is bad for today.
is some people ever feel like what I feel right now??? or only me that ever feel like that.
I feel limp helpless, I feel very lazy, I feel un happy, I have no spirit in me.
what should I do???
do I have to crying, dancing, jumping, or singing???
Ooohh no why, why, why,,, what is this that stay in my body, in my brain, in my heart???
this is really very difficult, this is makes me really tired to walking in the moment like this, what else running on it.
I want to refuse your presence if I can to refuse it, even I want to make you limp helpless like what I feel right now, so you couldn't come again in me.
This is life, sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes laughing, even crying.
it is not fair if I wanna always be happy, because without the sadness I will never understand what the meaning of happiness and I will never feel on it.
without crying maybe I couldn't feel what is the meaning of wonderful laughing.
I have to realize that I'm not perfect people, I'm not great people, so maybe this is very usual happened in me, but really I don't know what is called/name of what I feel right now! I wanna to crying by loudly to outpouring of all this but I can't do it. but one thing I must be strong to dealing all this.
I don't want always in this condition, I must come out, I have to fighting feelings like this, I want to be hero for myself, so I can feel free, I can be happy.
I want to be winner for myself, so my spirit growing, so I found my inspiration that has lost, so my mind filled full.
I must have confidence that I can do it,
I must have courage to throw away bad feelings and I must find again good feelings, good things that I have, I'm sure I can returns it.
I must can do it and certainly I can do it. this is that I have to do,,,!!!
one of ways is I wrote this letter, by this way I can feel a little calm, I can feel happier, my writing is my friend to outpouring of my heart.
Selamat pagi mbak
ReplyDeleteJangan kosongin pikiran yaa mbak! Takut setan masuk
Okk terima kasih sarannyaa
DeleteTetap exiz aja Mbak Muya, jangan terlalu di pikirkan kala
DeletePikiran sedang down nyantay aja kaya di pantay
Mendingan refreh atau hirup udara segar lainya, sambil ngopi deh :)
Yaaa dech kang saud nyantainya ada tapi pantainya nggak ada
DeleteTerus kayak apa donk?
Buat pantai sendiri gitu aja repot. Hahahaha
DeleteBuatnyaaa tuuh yang reppooot baskoro
DeleteKadang saya juga seperti itu mbak semua serba hancur kadang semuanya jadi blank dari otak apa yang dikerjakan salah dan selalu tidak betul
ReplyDelete..semangat mbak
Hehee ternyata sama ya jenk..
DeleteYeah kita harus semangat
Saya jadi ikut-ikutan nih hehehehe :p
DeleteKondisi seperti ini semua orang pernah mengalaminya mbak termasuk saya, dan itu merupakan lika liku kehidupan yang harus dijalani memang seperti itu.
ReplyDeleteDalam hidup ini adakalanya kita harus menangis agar kita tahu bahwa hidup ini bukan sekedar untuk tertawa, dan adakalanya kita tertawa agar kita tahu betapa berharganya setetes air mata... muantaaap :)
Hemmm yeahh muantabbbb tuuh kata"mu
DeleteMemang benar hidup harus seperti itu adanya
saya juga sering gitu mbak, itu namanya sedang error, hehehe :D
ReplyDeletemakasih telah curhat ke saya dan langsung saya rasakan :)
Ooohb sist indri juga pernah error yuah :-D
DeleteKukiraaaa. Aku sendiri yang pernah error.
Terima kasih telah mencicipi curhatanku
Hati-hati mba jangan sampai terkena penyakit skizofrenia.. kebanyakan pikiran kosong hehe
ReplyDeletewajar mba, saya juga suka begitu, di bawa happy aja ya..
Yeah dech aku akan lebih berhati-hati..
DeleteTerima kasih atas saranyaa
Yang penting happy
Selamat sore Mbak Muya semoga saja Mbak di sore ini sudah
ReplyDeleteFres baikan seperti biasa. nyantai aja Mbak kaya saya kalau ada
Ide di posting kalau gak ada yah nikmati yang ada aja, yang penting
Kita masih berbagi, dan masih saling sapa. oke Mbak salam sejahtera.
Sore juga kang..
DeleteYeah alhamdulillah sudah sedikit baik.
ini bukan cuma masalah postinan kang tapi nggak tau pikiran jadi bebeeel baanget
Hmmmm terima kasih mas
ReplyDeleteTapi kalau sepertiku penyegarannya cuma gitu" ajja
nggak ada penyegaran yang lain..
Yeah istirahat itu yang paling penting mas
Muya, we all have ups and downs... some of us more ups... some more downs... I don't know how to get out of the downs easily... I write like you do ... it seems to help me... I am glad it helps you a little too...
ReplyDeleteYeah if like that it's mean we all have ever experience up and down!!! and for me it's really very difficult to get out.
Deleteby writing it is can help me a little..
Hehee Thank you I can learn from you, especially learn english language
Dont worry be happy, maap kalau oot :D
ReplyDeleteOk yang penting don't worry ajja yeah yobert
DeleteBob marley masih bernyanyi uyyeeeee.
ReplyDeleteBuatlah hidup ini semudah mungkin
Ngga perlu disesali bikin saja happy
Mengalir nikmati jangan menyiksa diri
Yok kita nyanyi bersama
Don't worry...uye
Yuuukkk nyanyi uyeeee
DeleteDon't worry penting happy
Trims yuaaa
Semangat mba. Kalau persaan selalu sedih, coba mengingat-Nya. Insya Allah hati tengang. :)
ReplyDeleteYeah dengan mengingat-Nya itu jalan yg teebaik dan inshaa allah tenang
DeleteWah, sebelum saya error ternyata ada yang error duluan hehehe.. Tos for the same human error :D
ReplyDeleteHeheee yeah senengnyaaa ada temen sesama error
DeleteTos yuuuukkk
Wah, sebelum saya error ternyata ada yang error duluan hehehe.. Tos for the same human error :D
ReplyDeletewah kok bisa lost getu ya mbak mind nya. Harus refreshing kayaknya supaya bisa powerful lagi mind nya :)
ReplyDeletekalau soal blank ini saya juga sering mengalami nya mbak, tapi ya dibuat nyante aja :)
Hehee yeahh rin inspirasinya hilang tapi kok malah nulis
DeleteHmmm kmu juga sering blank to rin,,,
Nyantai bikin pikiran tenang yaa rin, damai
wajar mungkin keadaan spt itu kerap menghinggap sebagian besar org termasuk sya tentunya.. butuh siasat yg cerdas dr kt sendiri utk menghilangkannya.
ReplyDeleteHmm yeah semua berarti pernah mengalaminya
DeleteSiasat cerdas apa yaa kira" yg kmu terapkan?
tuing tuing dah bacanya .... hehe
ReplyDeleteMukulin besi kaliii,,, bukan baca kok tuing tuing
Deletehahahahahahahaha.................... ngakak nih ,,,,
DeleteSama dech kalau gitu.Salam kenal mbak.
ReplyDeleteOoohh yeahh mbak kenal balik dan terima kasih
DeleteAmbil cuti...trus manjaain pikiran dan badan mbak...
ReplyDeleteBiar keliat fresh lagi...asyik kan :)
Hehee yeah mas pur asyiiikk pastinya kalau yang seperti itu
Deletenever mind ya later emptied conniption,, hehe :D
ReplyDeleteNo no nooo although empty but I'm still remember to ALLAH..
DeleteSo it will never happens
hidup memang penuh lika liku bos, kya lagunya siapa tuh, saya lupa, hehehe...
ReplyDeleteApa lagi aku nggak begitu tau lagu"
Deletehehehe... sama bos.....
Deletethen you have to write often.. fill your blog with your own thoughts. It will makes you feel good.
ReplyDeletesalam kenal ya
Heheee yeah I will try it,,,, but if have no inspiration/thought then what should I write...
DeleteOk which the important I'll try to always write as you suggestion to me
Thank you
Kenal balik
Very nice post mbak muya. I think your mind need refresh so that you can write wonderful post in this blog. I am sure you exactly can it. Keep spirit and happy blogging always :)