image created by muya cute |
Hello,,, hello,,, hellooo meet again with me muya cute
How are you
my friends bloggers???
I wish you all feel fresher than ever before, and of course your blog also fresher like me hehehee.
You all can see now I'm fresher after earlier My inspirations is lost my mind is blank
Hmmm Reducing Blogwalking Losing Visitors this sentence not for the master, not for the blog that have useful contents, not for well-known blog / large, not for blog that have many visitors.
But this is for a random article, for the blog origin write, for newbie like me that don't have many of visitors.
Why I say like that, It was all because usually they that have no good blog / not meet the criteria for SEO ,,, the most of visitors came from blogwalking.
Every they do blogwalking then they will get more visitors.
but when they are reducing blogwalking then they will losing visitors, that's I feel.
hmmm as we know how the important of blogwalking to invite visitors.
because blogwalking is one of the way how to increase visitors!!!
As it that I have ever read at post friends boggers.
Therefore if one of you want your blog remained stable of visitors and even increased, don't be like me that when the laziness to blogwalking come on to me then I don't blogwalking,,, hehehe so my visitors never increase even down... Kikuuukkk
No hypocrite actually I also want to my blog get a lots of visitors, who's doesn't want to get a lot of visitors in his blog???,,, the answer certainly "noone"!!!
since the number of many visitors that are owned by a blogger it is pride separate.
by blogwalking we can get experience, we can get friends, we can get knowledge, we can get new news, and even sometimes we can get inspiration to write / update article.
t's mean we can learn more from blogwalking.
So after we know there is so many benefits of blogwalking,,, so we have to always try to do blogwalking if we have time to do it... Hmmmm then why not,,, it is ok!!!
I can only give suggestion if you don't want Reducing Blogwalking losing visitors
Then do blogwalking every day.
Ok I think just enough here our encounter this time
Don't forget read Swimsuits my birthday present
Successful greetings from me and thank you
Selamat pagi dan selamat beraktifitas Mbak Muya...
ReplyDeleteInsya Allah yakin 100% kali ini saya dapet pertamax nie :)
Yaa sama" marnes
DeleteKok tumben sregep/rajin :-D sehingga dapat pertamaxxx
wah kang Marnes semangat banget dapat pertamax selamat kang hehe
DeleteBetul banget banget mbak dengan aktifitas blogwalking, banyak manfaat dan keuntungan yang bisa kita peroleh, selain kita mendapatkan info, dengan blogwalking kita juga bisa memiliki kenalan baru dan blogwalking bisa dijadikan sarana untuk saling menjalin tali silaturahmi antar sesama blogger :)
ReplyDeleteYeah begitulah marnes,,, seperti yang pernah aku baca dari post temen" lain.
DeleteHehee kukira komentarnya cuma pertamaxxx langsung aku bls eeehh ada lagi..
Terima kasih yuaaah
Muya... I wish I had more time to blog walk but I comment so much I rarely have time... however; lots of people blog walk on my blog... so I guess that is good :)
ReplyDeleteHow did you find my blog? I often wonder how someone finds me :)
Heheee but I think you always comment to another blogs, you are one of those who always do comments to another blogs.
DeleteYou are great and your blog too.
I find your blog when you comment in indonesian blog, and when the first time I came to your blog then there I'm wonder woooww
I'm proud on you dear launna
Good morning Muya cute, im here for see you, blogwalking, and reading article in your blog :)
ReplyDeletethat's right?
Good afternoon dear teacher!!!
DeleteOoohh thank you very much to your presence here ,,,, to se me , to reading my article and blogwalking
And of course miss me too
Hehee yeah it is right!!! Hmmm by the way what is right???
harus dibiasakan diri berarti ya mbak untuk blogwalking hmmmmm :)
ReplyDeletekeep spirit and happy blogging always :)
Hehehee yeah rin,,, tapi aku niih yang sering malas blogwalking jika sudah terseramg penyakit malas
Deletehadah nyimak aja deh mbak muya, soale inyong ora paham bahasane hehehe
ReplyDeleteSilahkan disimak sepuasnya hehee
DeleteInyong yo podho karo rika ora iso..
Google translate kok
Menambah informasi dan juga teman saling mengisi hingga dapat mempererat persahabatan kurang lebih begitu gunanya blogwalking ya mbak
ReplyDeleteYeahh jenk... Seperti itulah kira-kira
Deleteselamat siang mbak., saya baru bangun tidur langsung kesini hehehe
ReplyDeleteJadi intinya harus rajin blogwalking ya
Yeahh cuci muka dulu aahhh
DeleteBiar cakrp dikit..
Yeah intinya yea itu
Akhir-akhir ini lagi malas Blogwalking bukan malas sih sebenarnya baru merapikan gadget di blog ikerenki soalnya ctr atau klik iklan yang satunya kurang begitu memuaskan yang jelas blogwalking dapat menurunkan tingkat bounce rate. hihihihi.
ReplyDeleteHehee yea dahh rapi'in dulu ikerenki tercinta biar lebih waaawww..
Deleteooohh aku kurang ngerti bounce rate
ng'blog tanpa blogwalking sama halnya dengan makan tanpa lauk pauk, pasti kurang nikmat dan ngga lahap makannya. kira-kira begitulah pentingnya blogwalking...;o)
ReplyDeleteHeheee makan tanpa lauk pauk yeah pasti nggak nikmat kang
DeleteBerarti blogwalking adalah lauk pauk ngeblok niih kang
Hello dear
ReplyDeleteI never blogwalking dear
Ooohh why?? I know you just blogwalking here
Deletekata para master di seantero jagat pun memang demikian mbak muya :)
ReplyDeleteBlogwalking memang senjata paling ampuh dan the king nya seo...itu dari buku yang saya baca loh....hehehe
Heheee bagaikan samurai yeah mas pur,,,
DeleteYeah nggak mungkin buku yg mas pur ciptakan chan
Yeah mas kalau bisa itu maah bagus banget mendatangkan visitors dari search engine
ReplyDeleteTapi kalau blog model blogku ini chan hadweeehhh jauh dech mas
Akhir-akhir ini saya jarang blogwalking nih mbak. Karena sibuk dengan sekolah yang bertugas jadi PKL dulu :(
ReplyDeleteAku juga jarang blogwalking kok
Deleteblogwolking memang sangat bermanfaat buat blog, tapi yang jadi susah nih bagi yang punya koneksi lambat. pinginnya blogwolking tapi tidak keturunan karena belum nyampek blog teman udah nyantol dijalan mbk. hehe
ReplyDeleteWaduhhh bas kamu niiihh malah sukanya nyantol" kok
DeleteSebelum jalan periksa dulu cantolanya hehe
wah jadi mikir juga ya mbak kalau mau cuti dari blogwalking, tapi kadang saya jenuh juga tiap hari ngeblog hehehe :D
ReplyDeletesepertinya butuh refreshing ya mbak agar pikiran bisa fresh dan ngeblog bisa enjoy lagi :)
Yeah rin refreshing itu penting agar lbih fresh..
DeleteAku malah sering mbolos rin bukan cuti
kayak cekulah aja mbak pakai acara bolos segala hehehe :D
Deletetapi kadang ngeblog itu bikin jenuh juga ya mbak hehehe jadi perlu sekali-kali berhenti sejenak untuk menangkan fikiran :)
ninggalin jejak blogwalking smbil belajar English Language di blognya mb@Muya.,
ReplyDeleteHehee yeah tinggalin jejakmu tapi kalau mau belajar inggris disini entar terjerumus dalam inggris yg asal"n
DeleteBW neh biar rame blognya :)
ReplyDeleteYeah semoga ajja tambah rame
Deletesebenarnya Blogwalking adalah kegiatan yang sangat menyenangkan,dan juga keuntungan yang didapat juga bisa berlipat,tapi jujur saja untuk saya sendiri masih ada rasa malas untuk melakukan yang namanya Blogwalking hehe
ReplyDeleteSama kang dede aku juga sering males blogwalking..
DeleteTapi pengunjung kang dede banyak kok
true, there are many many visitors blogwalking (lol make language)
ReplyDeleteWhat are you mean??? Why you write lol make language
ReplyDeletesis muya cute? :-p my problem when blogwalking just internet conection. I lived in a village far away from the technology. so, very slow internet connection. : (