Thursday, February 13, 2014

Google Translate is my English Teacher

created by muyacute

I love you all friends bloggers!!! do you love me???
Waduuuh I'm confused what should I write here and this time,
I just have picture and the tittle,,, is it I publish just 1 picture and the tittle only???
hehee today I create the picture above,
there is written Google translate is my english teacher this is included the tittle of this article.
how can I say google translate as my english teacher???
because before I knowing google translate,,, I doesn't know english, even though I ever learn english language in my school time, but really I'm fool about english.
I'm one of students who don't like english language,
but after I go to other country, when at the airport I found everyone talking use english then came the desire to learn english.
but what should I do??? to do school again,,,, it is impossible because of my work.

All this is my fault, why didn't I learn english in earnest, so ultimately I don't understand english.
and after graduate from school I still can not english language ,,, even I don't know what is the meaning of the word I miss you, but I imitate friends fb say I miss you,,, though I don't know it means hehehe
Really very funny, and when someone from another country send request friendship / add me on fb, start I learn english by comments on their post.
That time is the first time I use google translate,because I incorrect putting words in google translate so the result is also wrong.
do you know in the comment I'll write what are you doing eeeeh then I write you again what there goes wrong because of I putting words in google translate not sequence by correctly, really very embarrassing

Google translate really very useful for those who are want to learn another language, not only english but there is available a lots of languages. through google translate we can make friendship with people another country, so we have many of friends, not only friend from our own country but also friends from many country. now I guess there is not to late to learn although I has been old. and from now I learn to write without google translate bit by bit though it is random writing, because I don't know about grammer in english language. maybe some people will laugh on me when they read my writing, but it is not matter for me. because I would like to always learn and learn, to now only google translate is my english teacher. Just enough here our encounter this time, successful greetings from me and thank you.


  1. Selamat Malam Mbak Muya,. comments dulu nanti baca nya
    Saya pasang biasa translate tercinta yah.. salam sejahtera

    1. Alhamdullilah dapet kehormatan Pertamax dari Mbak Muya
      Wah agak rese translate saya Mbak, nanti saya eja dulu deh.. :)

    2. Yeah kang saud nooohh bawa pulang pertamaxxnya

      Di eja satu persatu yaa kang biar lama disini

  2. Mungkin lain dengan saya ya mbak saya sih tidak pandai bahasa inggris

    1. Maka dari itu jenk kita sama" nggak pandai bhasa inggris kok..
      Jadi aku belajar sama google translate

  3. google translate ini memang sangat membantu sekali ya mbak dalam hal menerjemahkan bahasa, terutama bahasa indonesia tercinta ke bahasa inggris. Saya kemarin juga sempat akses google translate ini untuk membuat artikel berbahasa inggris, soalnya vocab / kosa kata saya masih minim mbak ehehehe :D

    1. Kalau ksmu rin berpendidikan,,, beda dengan akuu
      Mungkin vocabnya masih minim tapi paling tidak kmu tau grammer jadi hadil tulisanya nggak bakalan amburadul

  4. Wah gogole translate saya kira jadi andalan para blogger untuk menghadapi tutorial yang berbahasa inggris. Termasuk andalan saya jika berkunjung di blog mbak muya. Hahahahaha

    1. Heehee yeah itulah mas nady makanya aku jadikan google translate sebagai guru

  5. Kebiasaan kalau lagi ujian bahasa inggris

    1. Waaahh bagus donk..
      Jadi google translatenya nggak capek..
      Cuma dipakai waktu ujian doang

  6. Hehehe ini nih yang di andalin kalo ada tugas bahas inggris :D

    1. Ooohh berati kita sama-sama ngandalin google translate

  7. Muya... I think it is so admiral that you want to learn English and that you are finding ways to learn it... that is so wonderful. So what if it is not perfect, I totally understand what you are saying here and when you comment... thank you so much :)

    1. Yeah because this is the one way that I find when I want to learn english language,,,, dear launna
      Thank you for always support me and also teach me through I'm reading your blog

  8. translate mah guru sya juga tapi kadang dia ngajarnya salah salah. :D

    1. Heheee yeah siihh biasanya kita harus menyambung"nya sendiri

  9. mbah google itu cerdas juga ya mbah, dia bisa mentranslate bnyak bahasa, termasuk jawa dan bali

  10. wah kalau sering berguru sama mbah gugel translate, pasti lama kelamaan jadi pinter ya mbak belajar bahasa inggrisnya. Boleh juga nich dicoba supaya bisa ngomong dan nulis bahasa inggris :)

    1. Hehee kalau ngomong maah lain lagi rin gurunya..
      Soalnya google translateku belum bisa ngomong

  11. waduh sya gk ngerti harus komen pa ini. bahasa inggris semua ini. hha

    1. Yaa dah ngikutin ajja komentarnya teman hehee

  12. You agai what? hehehehehe peace

  13. tp terkadang ketika translate pk google translite banyak salahnya mb, Jd hrus dikoreksi lg hasil translate nya..:)

    1. Yeahh namanya juga melalui internet
      Salah penerapan kata-kata dikitt saja salah arti..
      Terkadang tdinya ini diulang lgi jadinya lain lagi

  14. Yeahh mas google translate tak pernah bosan menghadapi kita..
    Dan kitapun inshaa allah sebaliknya,,, selama kita masih punya keinginan untuk belajar

  15. Bagus ya di blog di pasang fasilitas berbagai bahasa seperti di Blog ini..

    Salam kenal aja..

  16. Tetapi untuk saat ini google translate masih dalam keadaan baku, artinya terjemahan google translate belum begitu sempurna 75%, semoga bisa disempurnakan ya mbak! terima kasih

  17. ditranslate ke bahasa sunda ko' jebule' tetep azh bahasa endonesia, lagian google translate bahasanya kaku desa kalau ditranslate ke bahasa inggris, jadi bahasa inggris campur sari gituh masa...gimana coba?

  18. google terjemahan memang banyak membantu kita yang kurang bisa dalam berbahasa ingris. Saya juga kalau mau posting berbahasa inggris kadang pakai google terjemahan, hehe...

  19. mbah gugel memang gudang ilmu ya mbak. Asalkan kita mau berusaha dan juga mau baca-baca dan praktek, pasti kita akan jadi lebih pinter :)

    keep spirit and happy blogging always :)

  20. baca postingan ini jdi semangat lagi nih untuk buka2 kamus..

    thx ya ?

  21. I use google translate to communicate with strangers on Facebook. wkwkk

    foll G+, foll blog succsess
    visit and follback ya sista..


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