Saturday, February 15, 2014

The characteristics of the People Who Help Others With Sincere

image from google
Hello hello hellooo,,, good night,,, friends bloggers . I hope this night you all have a nice dreams, sweet dreams, even lovely dreams !!!! hehehe is do you want to ??? ok,,, but before take a sleep I hope you all read my post !!! hehehe is do you want to ??? look at this the characteristics of the people who help others with sincere wooow the tittle is too long ,,, right ??? Yeah indeed I makes the tittle too long because I like this and just this words that I thought suitable for this article. but it's all just according of my thinking only, not more,,, as it is approximately.

Well,,, now heading the topic, it is certainly sometimes in this world we found some people who like to help others,,, but in help they have different intentions , may be they help others with sincerity , help others for the show of, or help others just for find a nice name only and there are still many of intentions. because we all created by ALLAH with different characters so it is certainly our intentions is also different. Maybe we will never know what is the goals of those who help others. but maybe we can knowing their intentions from their characters. Ok this is the characteristics of the people who help others with sincere
# they will helps to people who needs help without wait the words please help me
# they will helps others in nearness
# they will helps others without expecting anything returns.
# they will never give up to help before they feel not be able to do all that. and certainly there are still a lots of the characteristics.

hmmmm all the characteristics that written at the above,,, it's all just from my view. and you all free to makes opinion as you all think,,,, I think only this that I can write about the characteristics of the people who help others with sincere and just enough here our encounter this ti
me. don't forget read also google translate my english language and one more I hope you are all be willing to visiting and following me in my other blog harapan muyacute Successful greetings from me and thank you


  1. lewat saja mbk soalnya gk ngerti. ohya tolong translatenya dibenai biar lebih oke lagi. hehe


  2. Muya... I understand what you are saying about helping others with intentions ... some are good, some are not...

    I am following your other blog on GFC :)

    I hope you are having a great week :)

  3. Yah komentarnya kok nggak ada yang membantu saya untuk memahami artikelnya.. Yaudah saya nyimak dulu ya mbak..
    Nanti saya akan berkunjung kembali kalau sudah di rumah mbak. Hehehe

  4. iya memang agak beda ya mbak antar orag yang tanpa pamrih dengan mengharapkan somethig saat menolong orang lain. Apapun tujuan mereka, apabila kita ditolong, tentu kita sangat berterimakasih kepada penolong tersebut :)

  5. harus ikhlas ya mbak kalau membantu orang agar kita mendapatkan pahala dari yang diatas :)

    kebaikan pasti akan dibalas dengan kebaikan :)

  6. kalau menolong orang itu tentu harus iklas, dan keikhlasan itu akan berbalas lebih dari dua kali lipat untuk kita :D


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