Saturday, February 8, 2014

4 Benefits Of Swimming

4 Benefits Of Swimming thus is the tittle of this article.
I always say good morning to welcome you all in the morning, and not forget with my sweet smile,,, hehehe
in this occasion I'll write about swim
after earlier I wrote  swimsuits my birthday present
Swimming,,, what is it swimming???
everyone knows that swimming is move the legs and hands on water / swimming pool,  so we could walk in the water depth. as it is approximately.

No wonder if everyone knows what it is swim,  because swim is included famous sport in the world.
but it doesn't mean everyone knows  benefits of swimming.
Well,,, here I'll write 4 Benefits Of Swimming:
# swim can reduce body aches
when our body feels sore, with we do swim then we will feel more comfortable.
# swim can lose weight
this is perfect for people who want to diet.
# swim could accelerate the growth / elevate the body for childrens in in growth.
# swim can improve health heart.
and certainly there are many another benefits.

As we all knows that the sport is very important for our life, not only swim but all type of sports.
because the sport can make our body more fit.
Therefore no harm we do sport and even suggested  for us, including swimming.
If we all know / realize that the sport is very mportant for our body and  many of benefits, maybe everyone will doing sport.
Ok this only can I write about 4 Benefits of swimming may useful for other
not forget successful greetings from me
the pool around my place


  1. Hehehe, tidak tahu berenang saya.. Main2 air aja :)

  2. blog yang simple dan menarik, tulisannya juga enak untuk dicerna,hanya saja menggunakan bahasa asing sementara anda mentargetkan blog pada ID indonesia, karena tidak semua pengguna tahu atas apa yang disampaikan di blog ini,
    salam kenal ya mbak

    1. Terima kasih dan salam kenal balik...
      Yeah aku harus menargetkannya kemana lagi kalu bukan ke ID indonesia hehee

  3. makasih sharingnya mbak, ntar saya cobanya latihan renang biar cepat bisa berenang agar badannya bisa molor, hehehe :D
    makasih sharingnya :)

    1. Aku juga baru mau latihan sist..
      Aku kepingin badanku meriiitt dikit

  4. Kalau gak salah denger Renang juga selain sehat dan menyenangkan
    Bisa untuk Olah raga buat Cewek untuk diet dan menurunkan berat Badan
    Temen Perempuan saya sudah mencobanya, hasilnya bagus lho Mbak Muya

    1. Yaa kang itu diatas sudah disebutkan kok..
      Majikanku juga kadih tau akuu

  5. hehehe saya gak bisa english nih...
    ajarin dooonnnggg :D

    1. Yuukk belajar dari mbh gugel translate...
      Aku juga niihh

  6. Saya takut main air jadi ya nggak bisa berenang

    1. Aku nggak takut jenk,, tapi aku cuma belum pernah belajar saja....
      Makanya niih aku mau belajar renang

  7. ternyata banyak manfaatnya ya mbak jika kita berenang. Saya kebetulan nggak bisa renang mbak :D

    1. Yeah rin... Aku juga baru tau setelah di beritahu majikanku..
      Kok kebetulan kita sama nggak bisa renang yaa rin

  8. Swimming is wonderful Muya... it really is a great way to exercise and not even realize it... plus it is so much fun :)

    1. Yeah as it is that I ever hear
      My own self can't swimming!!!
      but I would like to learn swimming

      Tank you

  9. kalau saya nyemplung air pasti langsung tenggelam mbk. hehe

    1. Kalau nyemplungnya di ember pasti nggak bakalan tenggelam bas:-D

  10. nice pos bak salam kenal semoga makin sukses kunbal y

    1. Trims dan salam kenal
      Terima kasulih atas kunjunganya

  11. bahasa opo to mbak?? -_-

  12. Hadweeeehh nggak usah bengong nanti aku malah ikutan bengong

  13. Yuuuuuk mas,,, aku juga baru mau belajar
    Maklum waktu kecil jarang main ke sungai

  14. pengen juga nih bisa renang, cuma mau belajar sudah malu soalnya udah gedhe mbak hehehe :D

  15. saya bisa renang tapi gaya batu hehehe...
    hmm.. di atas itu apa artinya ya? sya gx tau.. mklum
    yg saya tau kalau berenang itu dapat menghitamkan kulit tubuh hingga wajah :D
    follback sob


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