Friday, February 7, 2014

Swimsuits My Birthday Present

Yesterday is the day that can be said wonderful day for me !!!
Why??? because yesterday is my birthday.
Some people thought that birthday is special day, but for me it's all different, before it I never thought about my birthday, and I think that my birthday it's not important.
It was all can be seen that I nev
er celebrating of my birthday.
Hmmm but to now if I thinking again about birthday, it can be said important , the meaning of this important it doesn't mean should be celebrated!!! but  with I thought that my birthday is important for me it's mean I can thinking that my age was increase, and I should do everything to be better in the future, I'm not young again, I'm has been old, so I should be mature than before,,, that's  my wish.

I also forget that yesterday is my birthday, if my employer(madam)  not tell me about my birthday. at 05-02-2014  precisely on wednesday, madam had lunch together here, and she say:
Muya,,, tomorrow is your birthday !!!
Oooh is tomorrow date 06???
Yeah tomorrow is your birthday why you forget it???
Hehehee because I never celebrated it
Madam:ooh,,, what is flavor of cake that you want???
tomorrow I'll go to buy a cake for you.
(confused) madam,,, or no need to buy a cake to my birthday, because there in Indonesia I never buy a cake
no,,, here is here,,, because I , my husband and my kids also buy a cake to our birthday, so I'll buy to you too
(by apply a little smile)  ok thank you madam
eventually our conversation ended till here and we talk about another topic.
that's she is my employer she is very kind woman, not only with me but with anyone too.

Yesterday afternoon she came to bring the birthday cake, then they all sang the birthday song while clapping for me.
she do not forget brought the birthday gifts for me.
then she asked me to pray, invoke three requests to ALLAH then blow out the candle.
Inside my heart, I want it right away to open the gift but I feel embarrassed hehehe, it was not because I'm a prude lhooo,,, but I just felt a little embarrassed!!!
so I had to be patient to wait the time until they go away, once they go then I quickly opened  the gift.
turns out it was a gift swimsuit & small scarf . inside my heart say "oooh madam,,, I can't swim"  hehehe
but it was just my heart say, it is impossible I say like that to my employer, because she has been very kind to me, and I should be grateful of what have been I obtained.

After I opened this swimsuit consists of pants, tshirt, and hats headgear. and I see the price is quite expensive, yeah it was quite expensive for me.
because I'm one of those people who don't dare to buy expensive goods hehehee.
I can only say thank you very much to my employer!!!
and not forget I thankful to ALLAH had been give me a good  employer and give me everything!!!
because without ALLAH I'm nothing,
because without ALLAH I'm zero,
because without ALLAH I can't do anything, even though only move my fingers.
Thank you ALLAH for everything.



  1. Happy B'day mbak muya
    semoga selalu mendapat rahmat dari Allah SWT..aamiin

    1. Ikutan bantuin Amin yah Mbak Muya, + Mbak Indri
      Salam sejahtera sambut hari depan dengan senyuman :)

    2. Terima kasih jenk... N aamiiin

      Ini lagi kang saud ..

      maen panggil nama orang nggk bener

    3. hahaha iya nih mas saud salah sebut.. pasti lagi nggak pake kaca mata nih mas saud xixixixixi

  2. Selamat Ulang Tahun Mbak Muya, semoga Panjang Umur
    Murah rizky, sukses segala karir selamat Dunia Akherat
    Dan selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT Amin

    1. Aamiiin aamiiin aamiiin yaaa robb dan terima kasih atas doanya

  3. wah ternyata mbak muya kemarin ulang tahun tow. Wah dituggu nih makan-makan nya. Semoga tambah cute aja mbak :)

    1. Yeah rin kemarin hari ultahku..
      Mau makan apa rin? Tinggal pesan ke penjualnya,,, tenaaang habis makan bayar sendiri

  4. met ultah ya mbak, semoga panjang umur n tambah cantix :)

  5. Replies
    1. Yaa nggak apaaa walau telat yang penting datang

  6. Wah, lagi ulang tahun yah? Selamat menempuh perjalanan hidup yg waktunya semakin berkurang, dan kenangan yang semakin bertambah :)

    semoga sehat, sukses dan bahagia slalu. Aamiin..

  7. Hbd mbak muya semoga suksesaamiiin

  8. wah selamat ulang tahun ya mbak.. semoga panjang umur, murah riski pokoknya wish you all the best deh..

    ngomong-ngomong ultah yang keberapa ya mbak, dan kapan nih makan makannya.. di tunggu loh hehehehe

    1. Aamiiin atas doanya mas nady
      Ultah yang ke 23 eeeehh yang ke 32.
      Biar awet muda tuuhhh di blik angkanya :-D

  9. kok gak ada kuenya mbk?? selamat ya moga tambah cantik & awet muda. hehe

    ohya google translatenya kok gak pernah bisa dipake ya, jadi sulit komentarnya nih buat saya yang tidak bisa bahasa inggris

    1. Kuenya sudah habis bas, sebelum di potret :-P
      Yea kok nggak bisa di pakai yaa google translatenya..
      Kukira cuma lewat hp doank yg nggak bisa, eeehh tapi kamu pakai laptop chan

  10. Happy late birthday Muya... I am sad it took so many years for you to be able to experience a birthday... Sometimes here in North America... birthdays are a little over exaggerated but they can be so fun... enjoy your youth as long as you can, don't push growing up too fast... Have a great weekend :)

    1. Don't be sad dear launna!!!
      Yeah maybe in north america celebrate birthday is tradition,,, but in my place is very different, there almost no one celebrate their birthday,
      So it is very ordinary for me

      By the way thank you very much

  11. telat ni ngucapin Happy b'day..:D
    Salm aja ya mbak...:)

  12. Heheee berkali-kali juga boleh mas,,, nggak ada yang melarang.. Free for you
    Belum di coba mas! besok saja kalau sudah belajar renang

  13. HBD yah mbak Muya,semoga diringankan dalam melakoni hidup ini,sehingga hidup ini sesuai dengan apa yang diinginkan sang Pencipta kita semua,,tambah cuantik tambah rezeki,,,,,,,,,,,Amiin,,

    BTW saya sudah follow mbak,ada dihalaman ketiga setelah "klik more " and next...

  14. Wah saya telat nie, tapi gak apa-apa ya mbak...
    lebih baik terlambat dari pada tidak sama sekali hehehe....
    tapi yang bagus sih jangan terlambat ya mbak...

    Buat Mbak Muya, saya ucapkan selamat ulang tahun, semoga panjang umur, sehat, dan sukses slalu :)

  15. wah pasti dapat kado ultah banyak nih mbak muya. Ditunggu ye slametan nya hehee :D

  16. jangan lupa bagi2 tumpengnya boss, hehehe...

  17. Hbd dear..
    Wish always the best for you

  18. Such a cute post:)
    Happy birthday Muya!!
    Xx from Kenya:-)


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