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muya not cute |
From the beginning we did introductions indeed I always misjudged you, I always say that what all you said about your feeling to me it is wrong, I never believe you about all that. Then till I ever thinking that you get bored from me, that you tired from me, that you hate me, because I never ever trust on you. But what is you do to me,,, you always be with me, you always be patient to face me, even you always try to make me trust on you. That's you,,,!!! I appreciate of all your attitude, and actually I want to believe you, I want to remove my doubt on you. but in fact,,, I can't to do all that for you, even though I always try to trust on you. Did I really have be
en very difficult to trust someone??? because I've been disappointed of someone,,, or indeed it is all my character??? I wonder,,, why did I always misjudged you...
I don't want to do all that to you, because you are has very kind to me, you are always be with me whatever happens, you are always understand me. You always do everything what I want, even though you don't understand what I want, you always try to learn to understand of my desire,,, that's you,,,!!! After you always shows to me all of your attitude, all of your honesty, all of your sincerity. it is impossible to me to always ignore you, to always doubt on you, because I'm one of people who is have feelings. Then I decide to trust on you, eventually I have to start to trust on you, and it's all make you very happy, and me too... but it's all not be able long, you make me thinking bad about you again, you make me thinking that you leave me after I start believe you, you make me thinking that you forget me, because you are suddenly disappear without any word. again I misjudged you,,, I wonder,,, what is in my mind. did I too selfish to you??? Hmmm that's me,,,!!!
In fact,,, you never leave me, you never forget me, even you always remember me and would like to talk with me, but you not be able to do all that, because you get ill and stay in hospital. and I know this news from your cousine, after he tell me about all,,, my tears suddenly come out from my eyes,,, Now I can only pray for you,,, may ALLAH always bless you,,, may ALLAH always protect you,,, may ALLAH give to you good health Aamiiin,,, one sentence for you "get well soon I'm here always pray for you" and one more I hope I'll not misjudged you anymore...!!!
Instructions: This is my first post without using google translate hehee.. maybe I wrote A come out Z. I just want to try my ability as long as I learn to write post in english language... Kikuuuukkk successful greetings from me Good morning assalamualaikum wr.wb
pertamax saya bawa pulang beib :D
ReplyDeleteYeah beib bisa di bawa bekal ke sekolah :-P
DeleteWah kayaknya belum pernah saya dapat PERTAMAX di sini. Nanti saya merapal Jurus KODOK dulu biar bida dideteksi kalau ada artikel baru BErburu PERTAMAX di sini. Huaaaaaaaaaaaaaasyeeeeeeeeeeek
DeleteKalau masih ada pertamaxnya saya bawa ke sawah Mbak Muya
DeleteLumayan buat nyedot air banjiran hhhhh bueeuuu :D
Asep,,, walllllaah jurus kodok itu maahh nggak punya niat cari pertamaxxxx
DeleteKalah sama jurus kuda
Kang saud..
DeleteBoleh kalau begitu ambil saja hehee
saya numpang pertamax disini ya mbak, biar ikutan narsong hehehe :D
Deletewah mbak muya makin tampak berseri2 aja deh, hmmm salam sukses aja ya mbak :)
Yeagh silahkan sist indri
DeleteWaduh, jadi bingung mau komen apa.. Nitip doa aja deh, semoga beliau lekas sembuh dan bisa membuat mbak Muya ceria penuh senyum lagi :)
ReplyDeleteYeahh mbak tika.. Terima kasih banyak hehee
DeleteSarofudin... He.emmmmm pokoknya trims
Nanti kalau sudah bisa senyum, bisa sekalian tertawa tanda bahagia. Hiehiheiheiehiehiee Semoga lekas sembuh juga ya
DeleteYaaa harus ituuu tertawa obat awet muda lhooo
DeleteYuuupppzzz I'll never misjudged you mas..
Although I never believe you :-D because all it's true :-P
Happy Weekend Mbak Muya... :)
ReplyDeleteSaya hanya bisa mendoakan saja mbak semoga selalu diberikan kesehatan, tetep semangat ya :)
Same to you manress n aamiiin
DeleteManres lagi Manres lagi....
DeleteMarnes mbak hehehehe.......
Aku nggak bosen kok denganmu manress hehe
DeleteMuya, you did great... I misjudged someone once too because I lack trust, so many times I have found out I trusted someone who only ended up hurting me... I keep trying though, I hope I can find the person who can build trust with me again..
ReplyDeleteThank you for you sweet comment on my blog <3
Hehehe you ever do the same like I do... dear launna
DeleteI hope you can find someone who is trust on you and you can trust on him
kalau saya mau komen apa ya mbak...bingung
ReplyDeletesama saya juga bingung :D
DeleteKok bingung tho jenk??? Terserah kok mau koment apa saja..
DeleteYobert.. Jangan ikut!n bingung awas jatooh
hehehehe takutnya malah jatuh cinta ma yang punya blog, oups....maap keceplosan :D
DeleteBerati yg punya blog menakutkan donk..
sama saya juga
Deletewah kalau salah menilai seseorang, berarti harus minta maaf mbak muya cute. Kasihan kan semeone tersebut :)
ReplyDeleteYeah rin yang lebih cute..
DeleteSudah minta maaf kok hehehee
sometimes we will misinterpret someone's behavior to us, but fortunately when it's not too late to fix it, .. I hope all is fine ....
ReplyDeletekeep happy blogging always, greatings from Makassar :-)
Yes you are right!!! Everyone ever do mistakes, including misjudged to someone...
DeleteBut we can be apologize of our each mistakes
Thank you
Garuk garuk kepala padahal nggak gatal loh...hehe
ReplyDeletesaya jadi bingung mau koment apa nih mbak.. Komentator di atas banyak yang menggunakan bhs inggris. Mau translate lg pake hp jadi nggak bisa..
Wes pokoknya saya suport saja ya mbak muya.? Hehehe
Trims supportnya mas..
DeleteOohh yaa yaa sekarang kok translate pakai hp nggak bisa ya..
Jadi pusing juga aku klau baca artikel inggris
lain kali jangan asal meniali orang ya mbak, tapi perlu di telusuri lagi apakah benar atau tidak . sehingga kita tidak suudhon :)
ReplyDeleteYeahh rin
DeleteAku akan lebih hati" lagi
Bahasa inggrisnya bagus ya, boleh ndak saya belajar, soalnya bahasa inggris saya benar-benar jelek, heeehee
ReplyDeleteHehee yuuukk belajar bareng..
DeleteAku juga mau belajar kok
Sepertinya saya belum pernah bertandang di sini, ternyata sudah banyak yang ngumpul di sini dari teman-teman saya semuanya. Salam kenal Mba, dan ikut mendoakan.
Iya makasih yaa..
DeleteAku sudah kunjung balik tapi mau koment susah via hp..
Dibuntuti fb like lagii..
Susah banget disana