Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Benefits of ginger drink / ginger tea

image by vancouversun.com

Assalamualaikum wr. wb
14-01-2014 Benefits of ginger drink / ginger tea
Hello friends of the blogger,especially friends of twists and turns of life
And not forget the visitors.
How's about you all??? Healthy,,, right???, happy,,, right???
Yeah it is my hope and prayer for you all
In a very cold afternoon I still keep the spirit of writing articles to the sake of meet you all
Don't know why muya cute always wanted to miss you all, always wanted to meet you all
he he he :-D :-D :-D lebay.com
Ok... Here i'm as host
Not harm i serve something for you all, because you all are my guests.
Now I serve ginger drink / ginger tea for you all, but don't forget to bring their own snacks

Well after ado now time to head on the topic of the content of this article.
Ok here I will share a little about Benefits of ginger drink / ginger tea.
These drinks besides delicious also many properties.
Below are some properties of ginger drink
# can warm the body
This is perfect for cold weather
# reduce hypertension
# prevent nausea
# treat stomach cramps
# removing wind from the body
# treating colds
To obtain more effective result can be coupled with a lemon
And of course there are many other benefits

Ginger drink / ginger tea is also known as body warmers beverage.
As seen from the properties that can warm the body.
The ginger drink is a basice ingredients of ginger..
And the ginger itself is a spice plants known as traditional medicine.
Ginger drink is a traditional drink... But the efficacy sensational.
It was all explanation about Benefits ginger drink / ginger tea
Hmmm after I serve ginger drink for you, I also hope you can also make it yourself.
Therefore,,, don't forget to read also How to make ginger drink
Let i'm not have always serve ginger drink for you hee hee hee
Successful greetings from me to you all
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb


  1. dianatara kasiat minuman teh jahe adalah mengeluarkan angin dari tubuh, berarti ngobos alias kempes dong tubuh kuta. haha

    1. Bas.. Teruslah mengejek..
      Sampai kau puas :-D :-D :-D
      Yeah bas bisa mengeluarkan angin dri dlm tubuh..
      Bukan dari telinga

    2. ngambek ni ya mbk Muya?? awas lho hilang cutenya. hehe

    3. Heheee bas..
      Teruuuussss yuaahhh

  2. mantap mbak,,,, saya mau tanya koq mbak post dengan bahasa english :D

    1. Trims yuaa..
      Emang kenapa yaa kalau posting bahasa inggris?

  3. Was here with by smile and happiness. I like very much this ginger drink...

    1. Hehee here the same... Mas
      Thank you for your smile

  4. manfaatnya banyak juga ya beb, baru tau saya klo jahe juga bisa mengobati pilek

    1. Yeah beib kalau ditambah jeru nipis malah lebih jreng

  5. kalau musim dingin lebih alami minum wedang jahe ya mbak

  6. buatin sy minuman jahe ow ... kn muya cute baik .... ;) hehe

    1. Hehee tapi chaan nggak bisa buatin tiap hari
      Untuk fiu imuet

    2. yah sesekali jg gpp wis ..... hahahha

    3. yaaaa sesekali jg gpp wissss ....hahaha

  7. wah pas banget nie lagi musim ujan kayak gini langsung disuguhi minuman teh jahe nie mbak :)

  8. ternyata banyak juga ya mbak manfaat dari minum teh jahe. Tapi saya lebih suka jahe susu mbak hehehe :D

  9. jahe ini sering byk dilpkan org pdhl kasiatnya abrek...

  10. jahe emang banyak manfaatnya, apalagi ditambah teh behh pas banget di musim penghujan seperti ini,

  11. wah harus sering-sering nih minum wedang jahe + jeruk, supaya bisa lebih sehat ya mbak muya :)


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