Sunday, January 12, 2014

How to make ginger drink

image by muya cute
Assalamualaikum wr. wb
Good morning all friends twists and turns of life
Not harm I always greet you in every our meeting
Also it doesn't hurt I always ask how about you all.
It is very usual,,,!!!
Now let me... ask a slightly different.
Have you all smiles today???
If not,,, let's start smiling from now. Start 1,,, 2,,, 3,,, please smile
Due to always apply sweet smile we will looks happier. Eeee eee eeeith if we are talking about a smile it would not be endless.
So how the fate of the topic of this article??? This article will be eliminated,,, right???
Well now its time I headed topics How to make ginger drink. do you agree??? He he hee

I guess,,, among you all know about ginger drink/ginger tea.
And especially the population of javan in INDONESIA
Surely they know ginger drink.
Because supposedly said this ginger drink/wedang jahe(javan language) is a traditional javanese drinks.
This ginger besides as a spice in cooking it can also be made drinks.
Well may of you there are have no idea how to make a drink ginger
Here i will share a little bit about How to make ginger drink
And here's how to make it
1. 80 gr ginger,,, washed clean, sliced/crushed
2. the leaf stalk lemongrass,,, crushed
3. 1 sheet of pandan leaves
4. 100 gr of brown sugar combed fine
How to make/cooking
1. Cook 1 liter of water along with the material substance
2. After boiling,,, wait about 3 minutes
3. Strain into glass and ready to be served
Ginger drink,,, is a very delicious drinks!!! you know!!!

well,,, above i've explained about How to make ginger drink
Wouldn't it be easy???
After this i hope you all can make it, for anyone who wants to make it.
I guess,,, its enough our meeting this time
Time for muya cute to say see you again on another occasion.
eee eeee eeeeith also don't forget to read about Benefits scarf in winter ok!!!
Final word thank you and
wassalamualaikum wr.wb


  1. Pertamaxx buat nikmati ginger drink :D

    1. Haha iya bagi-bagi nih, lagi kedinginan ini?

    2. Saya masih kebagian gak nih?
      Kaya nya enak cuaca dingin 2 gini yah Mbak + Mas

    3. Yaa semua dia bagi dan kebagian

  2. wedang jahe to mbak....kaau pas badan meriang saya juga suka buat

    1. Merindukan kasih sayang ya mbak hehehehe :D

    2. Yaaa jenk wedang jahe bagus untuk yg meriang"

      Rindu kadih sayangmu rin

  3. saya suka wedang jahe tapi tidak tahu cara membuatnya

  4. wah keren nih mbak postingannya, wedang jahee

  5. hari sy lg kurang senyum nih .... muya cute bagi2 ow senyumnya .... hehe

    wedang sekuteng sy suka itu ... cocok klo lg kedinginan :D

    1. Hehehee niihh senyum manisku kubagi sedikit buatmu fiu imut

      Kok wedang skuteng siiih

    2. asik asik dpt sdikit senyum dri muya cute .... hahahaha

      klo sekuteng kan sama bahan dasar dri jahe, cm kadang di tambh buat pelngkap ;.... :)

    3. Iooohhh skuteng klau di tempatku itu terrbuat dri mutiara

    4. klo pake mutiara org kota bilang bubur mutiara, tapi klo di kampung sy namany kembang pacar .... hehehe :)

  6. Wdang jahe sama wedang sarabaaaa ... hahaha ... Angetnya...

  7. ternyata nggak begitu sulit ya mbak muya cute untuk membuat wedang jahe ini. Cara nya cukup praktis dan mudah untuk dilakukan :)
    cocok banget disajikan saat hujan tiba atau pas waktu malam hari sambil nonton sinetron hehehehe :D
    thanks mbak muya cute :)

  8. kalau disalatiga namanya WEDHANG JAHE
    wenaknya minum malam2

    1. Oohhh asli salatiga tho..
      Mau malm siang sore pahi tetep enak kok

  9. wah cocok banget tuh mbak lagi kedinginan saya, dari siang ujan terus-terusan hehehe....

  10. Nice post friend. I like ginger drink, so much...Thank to your shared it...

    1. Thank you so much friend
      Oohh if like that
      I'll make ginger drink
      Special for you.. Ok!!!

  11. minuman ini sangat cocok untuk diminum pada musim hujan seperti sekarang ini

  12. Selamat pagi Mbak Muya simak di pagi yang dingin
    Ini dengan Drink untuk menghangatkan tubuh makasih Mbak? :)

  13. Heheee yes it's mean you are always smile!!! Am I right??? That's nice
    Hmmm ooohhh so take it !!! If you are like very much
    Same to you have a nice day

  14. diminum pas cuaca dingin cocok banget nih ;) hehee

    bagi 1 gelas dong beb

  15. Kalau di makassar ini disebut SARABBA :)

    1. Ooohh berati ada yg ngomong sarabba tadi orang makasar

    2. wah menakutkan...sarabbb banget ya wedangnya...hehe sarabba :D

  16. habis telat bulan saya jadi datangnya ke sinipun telat. hehe

    mantab banget teh jahenya mbk Muya, udah habis se galon pingin nambah lagi.

  17. Wkwkwkwk saya lagi bw pake hp mbak muya, jadi nggak bisa translate, harus baca komentar komentar di atas dulu biar tau maksudnya. Ha ha ha

    ternyata wedang jahe to mbak.. Ha ha ha saya malah belum pernah minum mbak, gimana rasanya he he he

    1. Ooohhh kalau aku memang selalu pakai hp

      Rasanya pedes" sreppp

  18. wahh itu cara membuat wedang jahe ya mantappp,,, izin menjelajah google translet dulu,,,

    Follback ya mbak di tunggu follbacknya ;)

    1. Perasaan sudah di follow blog mu..
      Apa blm ada?

      Yeah kira" seperti itu cara membuat wedang jahe

  19. kalau minum wedang jahe saat kedinginan, pasti badan jadi anget ya mbak muya cute. Tapi kalau anget nya masih kurang, bisa duduk di kompor sekalian hehehe :D

  20. Pas banget lagi masuk musim penghujan kaya gini ya mbak...nge drink wedang jahe..hmm anget nget deh :)

  21. Photo headernya udah not valid yah,hehe

  22. all i know about ginger is fuckin' hot.. yes, hot..! so hot

    #apasih :D

  23. Wedang jahe disaat musim hujan pasti mantap.


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