Friday, March 7, 2014

I Miss This Blog

it's me
Good evening all friends twists and turns of life
Today I really miss this blog.
Actually I have been intention to leave this blog.
I has been create new blog living and life
and I also holding indonesian blog harapan muyacute
But today came the desire to wrote again in this blog.
because I loves this blog, I likes this blog, why do I loves this blog???
Yeah the answer because this is my first blog.
I learn to write blog is here, I learn to blogwalking is here, I learn everything about blogging also here.
So that's reason why I love this blog.

After I think and think again,,, not fair if I left this blog.
because this blog is my first experience, this blog is my teacher, this blog is my friend, so what is it fair if I left this blog??? Then the answer is "no"
today I come again here and will try to always update post here.
Although may it very rarely.
I hope I could to realize my desire to always here and never leave this blog anymore.
never ever ignore this blog anymore,,, that's my hope.

And in this occasion I also would like to say thank you to all friends that still come here when I leave this blog.
I'm very grateful because this time I can write again here.
and surely I very happy because I can meet you all my friends bloggers through my post in this blog.
and I hope you all are always be willing to accept my presence here.
Ok I think just enough here our encounter this time.
Hopefully we all are always in good health and ALLAH always protect us in all conditions.
Thank you and never forget successful greetings from me.


  1. Muya... I have a couple of blogs... 2 private but I'll always write in my first one. Like you I learned so much in the beginning years ;-)

    1. Ooohhh nice to hear about all that dear launna..
      He he hee we have the same feelings.
      Hmmm why you make private blog?? He he he
      Ok thank you very much for always come in my blogs
      And I will always try to come to your blog as long as possible

  2. akhirnya muncul lagi, lama gak jumpa mbk Muya makin cute aja. sayang sekali mbk kalau blog ini gak dikelola lagi, meskipun ada blog yang baru sebaiknya blog ini blog ini tetap dihidupkan.

    salam sukses mbk Muya..

    1. Yeah bas terima kasih kunjungannya
      Yeah akan saya usahakan untuk selalu mengelolanya bas
      Trims yaaa

  3. He he hee sudah hampir sebulan mungkin yaa mas aku ninggalin blog ini...
    Hehehe yeah mas aamiin dan semoga blog ini lebih cakep dari adminnya..
    Karena kalau adminnya sudah nggak bisa di percakep lagi

  4. Yuk tetap semangat dalam menuangkan ide kreatifits di dalam dunia blogging. :D


  5. Meski punya banyak blog menurut saya yang pertama memilii banyak pengalaman dan kenangan ya mbak..kalau ditinggal juga pasti keingetan

  6. waah, sangat di sayangkan sekali mbak
    kalau blog ini sampai di telantarkan
    tetapi itu semua kan mbak sendiri yang tau kenapa sampai harus begitu

  7. ahirnya update juga nih mbak..?? kalau pun punya blog lain mbok ya di kasih tau saya mbak.. biar saya juga bisa mengunjungi blognya mbak muya yang lain hehehe
    tetap semangat dan semoga sukses ya mbak..?

  8. hehe iya mbak kasian klo blog pertama ditelantarkan begitu saja :D

  9. Yang pertama yang utama,janganpernah melupakanaya,begitulah kalimat yang dilontarkan Bapak saya dulu ,ketika saya menyia-nyiakan pekerjaan yang dengan susaha payah untuk mendapatkanya, hehehe,apa bedanya dengan blog pertama ,yah samalah pastinya,hehe

  10. kenapa gak di satukan saja blognya mba, supaya tidak di telantarkan blognya.. sangat disayangkan sekali kalau blognya tinggal kenangan...

  11. owh punya blog lain tah mbak? apa link nya? biar saya bisa mampir. tapi alangkah baiknya kalau yang ini tetap dikelola mbak.


  13. If this blog is very valuable, this blog must be maintained boss

  14. Wah saya ketinggalan berita ini Mbak Muya, o ya Mbak Muya
    Punya blog baru lagi yang mana yah saya koq gak tau Mbak ?

  15. wah saya juga kangen sama blog ini mbak. Udah lama nggak di update ya ;)
    kepp spirit and happy blogging alwasy ;))

  16. Iya apa pun kesibukan mu, tetap semangad dalam berbagi untuk sesamanya. Aminnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  17. Kunjungan kedu di blog nya Mbak Muya yang di sis-sia kan
    Semangat saja Mbak sayang trfiknya sudah bagus malah di tinggal
    Dengan yang baru..di sambi aja Mbak, ok?

  18. ow ow ow ...; I miss this blog too muya cute..... hehehe :)

  19. kangen banget nih sama beb muya :(

  20. assalamualaikum mbak, salam kenal pendatang baru ni :D

  21. udah lama nih mbak muya cute nggak ngeblog lagi ;)

  22. Hi...nice to meet you, I got a nice video link that you can watch with your family.


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