Saturday, January 18, 2014

The convenience of shopping in the supermarket
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
I always say good morning, sometimes: good afternoon, good night, to welcome you all my friends
the convenience of shopping in the supermarket this is the topic of my writing this time
After earlier I wrote about How to shop at the market I'm sure one of you have read it
As we all know that shopping was a necessity for everyone.
Not only from the upper class who has ever shopped, but also the middle class, lower class has ever shopped.
Not only those who live in urban areas ever shopped, even those who live in rural, mountains ever shopped.
So we would not be surprised if between us all know what is called shopping.

And to shop we be provided of variety places to shop, there are markets, supermarkets, plazas, malls etc.
it's all up we want go shopping where
Here I would not suggest to you all to shop where
But I will elaborate a bit about The convenience of shopping in the supermarket
this is part of convenience it:
# we can go to the supermarket without pushing the door because usually the doors open and close automatically
# we be welcomed neatly uniformed waiters
# the rooms were clean and air AC
# not jostle each other
# be provided the carrier basket of groceries
# prices listed and no need to bid
# sometimes there are discounts
# the sum of fast, and getting bon card
# could come home with the groceries with a plastic bag with logo
It's all just in view muya cute lhoooooo
rest is up to you all

Now how my description about The convenience of shopping in the market, complete or not ??? heheheee
Indeed to shopping provided plenty of places,,, it make us easily and freely choose to shop where.
And wherever we shop certainly has its own convenience.
I guess untill here our encounter this time
and don't forget read the short story on my new blog Harapan muyacute
thank you and successful greetings from me
ba bye see you next time
wassalamualaikum wr.wb


  1. only one word "congratulation" :-D :-D :-D :-P

  2. ohh gitu ya hehee :D

    i dont understand hehee

  3. Informasinya lengkap yang berisi keuntungan berbelanja di super banyak duit.

  4. selamat malam muya cute ...

    seprti biasa cek komposisi dan tanggal expired nya .... hehehehe

  5. untungnya lagi kalau ke supermarket nggak bawa duwit pasti nggak bawa barang berat..hehehe.bercanda mbak

  6. Great Art,,

    Biarpun malam saya mau ngucapin Selamat Morning Good pagi,,Karena lemah bahasa inggris,,saya bingung komennya,,jadi salam kenal saja!! Lol

  7. Cuma bisa bilang met malam minggu hehehehe :)

  8. Selamat malam mingguan ngikut gak yah Mbak Muya ke super market
    Biasa Mbak kalau perlu angkat angkut belanjaan siap saya ke TKP hh :D

    1. waaah di supermarket nggk membutuhkan kuli angkut ee kang saud hehehe

  9. Asyik yah Malam Mingguan Mbak Muya berbelanja ria
    Di Super market, hati-hati yah Mbak? beli yang seperlunya saja

  10. oke kang saud..
    pesanya sudah di terima :-D

  11. Nice and cool post, dear friend...

  12. nice post friend.. thank for sharing about the convenience of shopping in the supermarket

  13. saya sukanya di belikan seseorang mba, bukan membeli. hehe Jadi suka canggung kalau pergi ke supermarket

  14. Saya kalau di supermarket cuma beli korek api. Gantungan kunci ama sendal jepit aja mbak. Kalau mau beli yang lainya di luar saja yang murah hahahaha.

    Jadi mbak muya jangan ikut saya ke supermarket. Nggak bakalan saya beliin baju di sana. Kalau di kaki lima baru saya beliin. Xixixixixi


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