Friday, January 24, 2014

Don't let the article in copas by others & edited by muyacute

Hello,,, good morning all my friends
How about you all??? Health right???
Yeah that's my hope, you are all in good health
Mmm Don't let the article in copas by others this is the tittle of this article
If viewed from the tittle, looks like I will give tips for article can not in copas(copy&paste) by others
But I was not going to give tips, and otherwise I ask how to keep the article can't copas by others
That's not that I'm afraid from my article in copas(copy&paste) by others
But pity right??? If the bloggers great, has great article, useful article, and also the result of their own writing.
Then suddenly they find their article in copas(copy&paste) by others

You can see the picture above that says the artisan copas is theif
What do you all think ??? do you all aree if,,, the artisan copas we call as thief.
But this is call particular for the artisan copas/copaser that without mentioning the sources lhooo
Well,,, we all are know that the theif is criminals, because it is can harmful to other, it can hurt to other.
So do not let criminals rampant, because crime is moral turpitude and sin.
Do you have ever heared???

the number of crimes
that occurred it doesn't mean that many bad people in this world
but it's all because good people know crime it, but choosing let/silent

hmmm and of all narrative above
I just suggest to all of you who have good articles Don't let the article in copas by other
If you don't want be harmed by others
If you don't want be hurt by others
I can only suggest but i don't know how to do it!!!
Because it is impossible my articles in copas by others
Ok... I guess until here our encounter,,, meet you next time!!!
Not forget successful greetings from muya cute
Ba byeee


  1. Nice sharing and thank you for your suggestion

    1. Wah Pertamaxnya di borong sendiri kayanya nih Mbak Muya hhh
      Artikel saya ada juga yang Copas tapi biarinlah Mbak moga aja
      Mereka di bukakan pintu sadarnya oleh yang Maha kuasa.

    2. Lihat ajja tuu kang photo profilnya...

      Yeaaahh sabar kang .. Hehee

  2. Mbak muya sebelumnya saya minta maaf bgt ya.? Saya lagi ol pake hp, jadi nggak bisa translate, mau memahami postingan dari para komentator. Eh belum pada dateng .. Ada satu pake bahasa inggris juga hehehe mumet deh saya mbak..

    1. saya juga mau translate tapi koneksi saya gak kuat mas, jadi komennya OOT aja ya, hehehe :D
      makasih sharingnya mbak muya, happy blogging :)

    2. Trims yaaa mas nady dan sist indri... Dimaklumi lah oot oot dikit hehee

  3. Oh komentator pertamax itu mbak muya sendiri ya.?

  4. pertamax nya di borong.....

    kalau artikel bagus di copas wajar mbak kalau copas artikel saya itu orangnya wajib diperiksa

    1. Heheee diperiksa suruh ngembaliin artikel ya jenk?

  5. Kalau artikel nya di copas, apa tidak malah bersyukur ya?
    Kan disebarkan oleh orang orang lain

    1. bisa aja mas didi, iya apa iya? iya kali ya hehehe...

    2. Didi.. Yaaa lahh terserah kmu ajja mau bersyukur yaa beesyukur :-P

      Manress mungkin bisa jadi, mungkin juga tidak

  6. kalau ada translatenya enak mbak hehehe...
    benar apa kata mas uda awak uraiannya bagus, sehingga ketika di translate enak dibaca...
    nanti blog saya mau tak pasangin jebakan babi.. biar tidak di copas wekekeke..

    1. Oohh trims.. Kenapa nggak pasang jebakan sapi saja.. Entar dapet bisa disate bareng

  7. Wah Pertamax nya di Gondol Adminya sendiri hkhkhk :D
    Tentang artikel yang di Copas tentu tanggapanya masing2 sobat
    Pasti beda beda persepsi yah Mbak. kalau saya sih happy aja Mbak :)

    1. Yaa kang saud happy itu perlu..
      Lhooo kemaren aku sepertinya bls ini kook?

  8. Copas meng-copas memang sudah ada sejak lama di dunia blogging mbak, dan itu disadari atau tidak, mungkin kita juga pernah melakukan nya. Namun, tentu cara copas nya berbeda-beda antara individu yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Ada yang ikut aturan tata cara copas, dan ada juga yang tidak aturan. :)

    1. Hmmm gituuu ya rin... Soalnya aku blm pernah copas!!!

  9. Nyimak aja dech, Mbak Muya...ora mudheng maksude aku, hi hi...

  10. Heheee yuah mas itu sudah pasti artikel ini nggak bakalan ada yg copy..
    Itulah keistimewaaan blog ini

  11. it's not a big matter when someone copas my own blog content, since there's no any good article in my own blog. hahahaha

    1. Hehee ooohh really?? If like that.. Here the same!!!
      Eeeyy by the way I visiting your blog and will give comment but there is warning...
      N I ignore it.... After I write comment and want to publish.. Oooh no there want my wordpress ID...
      So I cancel my comment

  12. Translate sy ketinggalan di laci mbak
    Jd nyimak nyambi duduk manis ya ^^

  13. kadi bagaimana caranya Mbak biar nggak dicopas?

    tapi kalau saya mah cuek aja, mau copas asrikel juga silakan orang artikel saya pengalaman pribadi kok, mana ada pengalaman pribadi yang sama persis

  14. manthuk-manthuk dulu lah mbak ya , ,
    kamusnya ndak lengkap ini gimana dah , , ,\

  15. nyimak aja ya mba hehe

    1. Yeah nyimak nggk bayar koo... Bebas pokoknya buatmu

  16. ya gitu deh mba muya.. Udah di proteksi tapi masih ada saja yang copas tanpa memberikan sumbernya.. :)

    1. Terus bagaimna perasaanmu? Kmu yg pernah merasakan?

  17. bikin artikel ,ctrl+c ctrl+v.lebih enak cantumin link sumber nya

  18. kasih disable klik kanan aja . hehehe

  19. Check your article before an d after posting @ for riset plagiarism,,this can make u`r article known by who!!

    Maaf inggrisku kurang lancar nih!

  20. Nice and cool post, mbak Muya... This article can to streching plagiarism of act. We hope that...


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