Monday, December 30, 2013

My article was hidden by google+

Hello friends twists and turns of life
did you smile today ???
if not,,, let's smile together!!!
hee hee hee this is my sweet smile

Here i just want to ask you all
why do small portion of my articles is hidden by google+???
have ever your article hidden by google+???
if ever,,, please let me know via the comments box
here i mean hidden by google+ is when i share my articles on google+ just me can see it
i don't know why??? and what the reason???
i'm writing this here maybe of you have ever experienced this,,, so you can share to me

by muya devoteeshonesty

But now i'm a little excited
because after i gave the task to the "blogger buzz" to share my article
then my article could appear in google+ again
and i don't know for which this article can appear or not in google+
if later on this article get +1 more than two it means appearing in google+

Among you'd ask how can it know??? If my article didn't appear in google+
yeah i know because after i share my articles on the google+. Then i didn't get a +1
whereas before,,, every i share anything in google+ definitely get a +1
then i asked to my friends
apparently they didn't see the post that i share

that's story,,, next up to you!!!


  1. Mungkin dulunya salah settingan mbak muya..tapi sekarang sudah bisa kan???

  2. oh my god . .
    saya gbener" gg ngerti mbak . . :D:D:D:

  3. maaf mbk saya hnya mau membagi coba baca ini
    setelah membaca artikelnya mbk
    saya searching dan menemukan ini coba dulu mbk

  4. wah kok bisa di sembunyikan getu ya mbak. Mungkin mbak muya belum bayar pajak kali hehehe peace ^^

  5. kalau yang ini saya tidak mengerti mbak, soalnya belum pernah ngalami

  6. Kok bisa kena hidden mbak aneh banget :D mungkin settingannya

  7. coba mbak Muya cek juga di pengaturan blog nya, karena biasanya kalau udah ceklist itu pasti akan langsung di share otomatis :)

  8. xixixixixixi... itu juga senyum manis ku ..... :P

    kyakny si sy pernah atau belum yah diembunyiin gtu ,,,,hmmmm.. *mikir dulu sambil pegang hidung...

  9. wah saya kurang paham masalah ini mbak.. mungkin google lagi ingin main-main sama mbak muya.. apa arttikel itu surat cinta buat google, makanya di sembunyioin karena google malu di lihat banyak orang hehehehehhe

  10. untung cuma artikelnya yang disembinyakan, kalau mbk muya nya yang disembunyikan gimana jadinya? hehhe

  11. mbah google mungkin lagi galau mbak hehehehe

  12. Saya belum pernah ngalamin kejadian tsb.mudah2an ada solusi nya

  13. kalau artikel nggak bisa di share di Google+, kan masih bisa di share di Facebook dan Twitter mbak? so, dont worry be happy aja deh hehehe :D

  14. wuih ,,,,,, pas buka yg pertama muncul photonya nih ,,,,,,, hehehehehe .... eh kok postingan terbaru nggak bisa buka komen yah ,,,,

  15. just try to find out the solution by google mbak,
    i agree with mas ronnie above, I ever read an article about that in Kompiside, that's may be work


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