good night all,,, have a lovely dreams for you all,,, eeehh me too...!!!
something new that's very difficult to do
because maybe unfamiliar and there is no experience
if we want be able to do new things
so,,, we have to go through the learning process
because of the learn maybe we can know and do new things
If we talk about learning
learning is compulsory!!! Lhoo,,,!!!
can you see there is now the rules a 9 year learning compulsory
it shows that learning is compulsory
definitely,,, everyone has to do what's called learning
but this doesn't mean just learned in school,,, lhoi,,,
because if learn in school!!! My grandfather and grandmother never do that
the meaning of learning is very broad
learning not only the lesson at school
but we can also learn from the twists and turns of life
Now i want to share a little story
i work here to keep a paralyzed grandmother
once a week,,, nurse came here to check the health of grandmother
on that day the two nurses came here
after they checked grandmother, we discuss the grandmother's health
talk about other things and also joked
and on the sidelines during our conversation, they asked me,,,
you indonesian people right???
of course,,, i give an answer to them "yes i'm an indonesian
then they ask again
how to say "how are you" in your language
well,,, that time i becoe a teacher for them
oohh yeahhh... "how are you" in my language is "apa kabar"
the first time they say "apa kabar" the result of their words is "apa kabraa"
even it is very difficult to for them to pronounce.
this is an example how difficult to learn new things
belajar hal hal yang baru itu memang sangatlah sulit
maka kita harus belajar untuk menghadapi hal hal yang baru
good night to.. n nice dreams
ReplyDeleteGood morning n have a perfect day
Deletecantik sist .. i like you ^^
DeleteThank sist...
Deletegood night too sista :)
ReplyDeleteitu fotonya sapa aja sist kok wajahnya sama2 cantix smua ^_^
Good morning sista indri..
DeleteHehee fotonya sista muya kayaknyaaa
Selamat Malam Mbak Muya simak artikel nya sambil
ReplyDeleteNyawang foto Mbak Muya Subhanallah ternyata Mbak Muya
Cantik Banget. salam sejahtera selalu yah Mbak :))
Yeahh terima kasih yuaaa.. Selalu nyimak artikelku dan juga fto cantikku hehe :-D :-P
DeleteInsya Allah saya akan selalu Datang untuk berbagi
DeleteDengan Sahabat blogging yang setia seperti Mbak Muya
Untuk Foto yang Cantik pastinya takan pernah Lupa hh :D
Buseet, kalo masalah bahasa inggris gini saya gak ngerti, musti buka google translate dullu nih. hehhee
ReplyDeletesaya tunggu komentar dan follow back nya, wajib lho ya? :D
Hayyyaahh sama nggak bisanya kalau soal bhsa inggris..
DeleteTenang fi sini dudah di sediain google transalate..
Okkk pastiii akan menjalankan kewajiban
actually not difficult, but being unfamiliar. that according to me. as difficult as any if there is a will and have become accustomed will be easy... ^_^
ReplyDeleteHeheee yeahh maybe not difficult for you :-D
DeleteBut for some people may can it's very difficult!!!
Peace laaah
a job or whatever it will be more difficult if we say and think it is difficult. whatever it is difficult to say for sure because it could be self-motivated to create more spirit .... hehehehe ^_~
DeleteHeeee very nice your thinking..
DeleteI appreciate that :-P
Really :-D
would be appreciated how? thousand or two thousand ? xixixixixixixi :P
Deletejust kidding ...
pissss lho yah... :D
How much you want it?? I'll give to you.. What is 1 2 or 3thosand
Deletenothing .....hehehehehe :D
DeleteAduh mbak muya transalete kok nggak mau bantu gimana nih....
ReplyDeletefotonya cantik banget deh..
Nggak bisa bantu gimana mbak?? Aku nggak tau yaaa.. Di dini bisa kok
Deletekok aku terfokus ke fotonya yaa? bukannya harusnya ke artikelnya -_- hehe salam kenal kaa
ReplyDeleteHeheee mau terfokus ke fotonya.. Mau ke artikelnya itu nggak masalah..
DeleteYang penting fokus haaa :-D
whoever the person will be focused to photograph, because the object is larger than the article... hahahahahahaha.
Deletelike hypnotized yah.... :P
Hahaaa don't you tease me okk...
DeleteI know myself :-D
I do not tease, but the fact is so ..... xixixixixixi :P
DeleteSubhanallah fotonya cantik banget :( sama seperti @Dwi Alfina
ReplyDeleteengga fokus sama artikelnya jadi melihat mbak muya terus hihhi :)
Mbak wajahnya kok putih dan mulus banget yah? pake apa mbak? biarpun saya cowok aku juga pingin mulus dong dan bersih ;D
Hehee makasih pujianyaaa yuaaahhh...
DeleteBiasa maaah itu cuma foto..
Aslinya nggak sebegitunyaaa
my english bad.. I listened to it first :D
ReplyDeleteNo problem..
DeleteHere the same my english also not good
Untungnya saya ngga ngerti bahasa inggeris, jadinya ngga wajib baca artikelnya kan...?!
ReplyDeletemau ditranlsate kan...gimanaaaa gituuuh....;o)
Heheee.. Tapi ini di paksa baca lhoo..
DeleteNggak baca di hukum suruh jingkrak" 30x
ReplyDeleteMas @uda.. Yes you are right!!
ReplyDeleteHmmm new things it's very difficult but we can get it through the effort
@flu... Sorry i call your name is flu..
Because it's more easy..
Me too... agree
Very-very kyut mbak muya hehehe ^^
ReplyDeleteIya bener banget kalau belajar tentang hal baru pasti sangat pusing. Tapi kalau kita punya prinsip, There is a will, There is a way, Pasti kita akan mudah untuk mempelajari apapun ^^
He.em rinn....
DeletePrinsip yang bagus itu..
Ooohhh yeah mbak muya memang kyut tpi tidak lenih dari kamu rin
:-D :-P
Jadi nya semangat dan mau berusaha mbak kalau kita punya prinsip seperti itu. :D
DeleteAh mbak muya bisa aja nich. Hehehe :D
Hmmm...kalo berkunjung ke blog mbak muya saya suka bingung sendiri mo comment apa gitu...? Begini nih kalo kagak ngarti bahasa Inggris, pengen pake google translate takut malah jadi ngawur hehehe...yowez lah mendingan mandangin photonya aja yang imut-imut :)
ReplyDeleteHeheemmm artikelnya juga ngawur kok..
DeleteKarena itu juga hasil google transalate
Bener tuh Mas Marnes saya pun sama kaya teks comment
DeleteMas diatas. gak bisa comments yang sesuai dengan topik
Soale ora ngerti boso Ingrise hhehe tar koment lagi mah
Bawa Buku Primbon sama Tafsir mimpi akh biar Lancar hh :D
DeleteYaa boleh entar sekalian jadi peramal di sini okkk
kalau sesuatu yang sulit aku tinggalkan dulu,
ReplyDeletedan setelah ada rasa sangat mau,
baru aku ulang kembali sampai baru tahu
hehehehe, klo setelah ada rasa sangat mau pas mw diulang dah gak bisa di ulang gm donk ?
DeleteBerati menunggu mood yang baik dulu ya mbak anisayu
Deletehahahaha, take it easy guy .... :D
ReplyDeleteTanpa belajar...emang mau ngapa2 in jd terasa sulit :)
ReplyDeleteHe.em apapun itu harus melalui proses belajar
Deleteyang penting belajar terus meskipun sulit alias graul-gratul
ReplyDeletebelajar berarti ibadah dan pasti berpahala
Yaaa mas... Gratul" itu biasa buat hal yang masih baru..
DeleteYaa lebih" belajar dengan niat ibadah...
saya lebih fokus ke fotonya daripada tulisannya hehehe
ReplyDeleteSo.. Bagaimana efitan fotonya..
DeleteOk nggak?? :-D
selamat sore. kunjungan perdana untuk silaturahmi... Karena Ini Kunjungan Perdana saya Mba jadi saya ijin ya Follow Blognya. Kalau ada waktu ke sebelah juga jalan jalan ke gubuk Tua saya dan Follback jika berkenan. Terimakash
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih atas kunjunganyaa..
DeleteKalau memang aku bisa lihat di mana kotak follow nya n aku bisa pencet..
Inshaa allah followback berhasil :-)
Selamat malam datang lagi nih Mbak di artikel yang Cantik
ReplyDeletewah semakin hari semakin Fresh pengunjung dan blognya
Sangat menarik yah Mbak Muya. salam sukses deh
wahhh hebat euy kang Saud ngerti baha kulonan hehe
DeleteMase saud. Nggak begitu jugaa..
DeleteTapi terimakasih n amiiin
kepengen comment tapi nggak ngerti bahasanya mbak hehe ( jadi malu dech guwe )
ReplyDeleteKenapa harus malu...
DeleteYang nulis artikel juga sama nggak bisa
waduh kgk ngerti :(
ReplyDeleteHehee nggak masalah...
DeleteYuuukk belajar sama" kalau mau..
Aku nua pengin belajar
puyeng dengan bahasa ingris
ReplyDeleteJangan puyeng" ok...
DeleteEntar nggak berkunjung lagi kemari
selamat morning mbak muya... hhehehehe saya nggak ngerti deh mbak muya ngomong apaan. saya kurang bisa bahasa asing mbak.. jadi saya cuma bisa komentarin foto nya saja... cantik banget mbak foto nya xixixixixi
ReplyDeleteHeheee mas nady good morning too...
DeleteYaaa dah komentari fotonya atau apanyaa yang penting berkunjung :-D
"Apa Kabraa" hehehe...
ReplyDeleteI am learning to say it :)
apa kabar mbak...??? :)
Hehee yobert... Wooww you are very smart boy ...
DeleteYou can say apa kabar very well :-P
baru bisa mampir di blog mbak muya :)
ReplyDeleteblog-nya bagus, semi bule gitu. manteb (jempol)
Yeaahh nggak masalah kang.. Yang penting tetep mampir dengan bawa jempol