hello,,, meet again with me
are you all bored with me???
i hope you all will never get bored with my presence
likewise i never get bored with seeing you all
hmmmm now talk about my blog
what's wrong with my blog approximately
and why am i writing a blog
previously i don't know what is a blog
and until now i don't know what the meaning of the blog
The first time i wrote a blog
i thought the blog was like facebook
anyone who can saw our writing is who is become our friend
or who seek our wall
so,,, my goal to write a blog post is for a joke and documenting my writing
eee eee eyyy but it turns out the whole world can see our post
without having to be our friend
not just my country indonesia and taiwan country i live now,,, that can see it
but america,england,russia,france and others
all could see our post
wooowww worldwide
because that time i don't know about blogs
that's why i chose to wrote the blog by using the english language
though i don't know and can't speak english
yeah,,, i capitalize dictionary to write a blog
but i don't know to write the english language theory
of course,,, you all can see the result are inconsequential post
hmmmm maybe there are some people say "what is not shy english writing random origin
actually i was also embarrassed
but i threw away my shame
anyway,,, there are people who don't know me in the real world
so,,, if javan people say "bondo nekat"
the purpose of the "bondo nekat" is the capital reckless
now is the time for me to go ahead ang enjoy it
since this is my choice
because i want to learn how to write english language
of the way writing maybe i can little by little what does mean each words
And even if i change my writing by indoesian language not uncertain right
hmmm i tell you all,,, one thing that i can't compose a beautiful words
is thus became complete a deficiency in my writing
my english is not good and words are not beautiful
hee hee hee but here with my sweet smile, i am still ignorant about it
that's me,,, muya
kompelit sudah kesalahan pada postku..
Inggris yang ngawur kata katanya nggak indah
kayaknya saya jadi pertamaxx . nih, . he he
ReplyDeleteHmm yaa makasih
DeleteIa mbak kata-katanya emang gk indah soalnya saya gk tau soalnya :D
ReplyDeleteHeheee.. Hmmm memang kok
Deletendk bored cuma harus translate dulu via google kalo ingin tahu isi postingannya
ReplyDeletemet aktivitas
Hmmm tapi udah di sedia.in google transalate kok hehee
Deletecantik nya mbak muya ini. Tapi lebih cantik lagi kalau tersenyum hehe :D
ReplyDeleteHehehee nie rin.. Senyumku biar tambah manis :-P
DeleteDapet gelas selusin...hehe :)
DeleteAku maunya piring :-D
Deletetambahin mangkok
DeleteHehee jenk... Sendok ajja laah
DeleteEa kalau udah senyum getu kan jadi nya cute mbak hehehe :D Hati-hati kalau di keroyok semut. Semut jaman sekarang nakal-nakal lho mbak :D
DeleteKayaknya lagi bagi-bagi barang pecah belah nich hmmmm Mau donk gelas nya ^^
Hehee rin.. yaaa lah biar manis swperti kmu...
DeleteTpi semutnyaa yg lucu" ajja rin..
Mau gelas yaa??? Kesini giih entar sekalian teh anget
aku harus minta bantuan mbah google nich buat terjemahin..... ;-)
ReplyDeleteJangaan... Paklek google ajja..
DeleteKlow mbh maah udah lupa :-D
ini kok pada oot semua ya, artikelnya inggris kok komentnya bahasa indo, hehehe :)
ReplyDeletekunjungan perdana sist n happy blogging ^^
Yeahh biarin lahh memang yg bikin article juga nggak bisa inggris :-D
DeleteSaya kok binggung mau komen apa..
ReplyDeleteTranslatenya ketinggal di dalam lemari soalnya...hehe :D
Hehehe... Tuuuhh dalam laci masih ada transalate yang satunyaa
DeleteGlek... :D
DeleteApa tuuuhh glek??? :-D
Deleteartine opo kui mbak? [cleeguk...]
ReplyDeleteWes tho meneng aee akuu yo ra retii kookk :-D
Deletesaya buka dulu alfa linknya. cos little2 saya masih bisa translate. hehe
ReplyDeleteYeahhh terserah hehee
Deletebagus ya mbak tulisannya...hehe sek penterjemah bahasa saya lagi pergi luar mbak jadi belum bisa
ReplyDeleteHeheheemm cpetan di panggil biar di terrjemahin ini inggris yang ngawur
DeleteHee...translate dolo ah
ReplyDeleteHeheee yaaa penting di liat heheee
DeleteMungkin kalau berkunjung kesini harus bawa kamus atau buka tab untuk google translate :D
ReplyDeleteHmmm tinggal ceklek di sini sudah adaaa heheww
Deletetetaplah semangat belajar bahasa Inggris, tidak apa belepotan, namanya juga latihan, biar tahu kesalahan dan kemudian memperbaikinya. Saya juga mengalami hal yang sama mbak. tetap semangat
ReplyDeleteOkkk terima kasih saranya untuk selalu tetap semangat
DeleteSalam kenal mbak Muya...kerja di Taiwan ya? semoga sukses disana, terus posting artikel yah....
ReplyDeleteYeahh aku kerja di taiwan.. Kenal balik yaaa..
DeleteInshaa allah di usahakan untuk terus posting
Wah aku wong Ndeso ra iso boso koyo ngono ngomong
ReplyDeleteOpo to Nduuk koeyooo..? hheheeh Malam Mbak Muya
Maaf becanda dikit saya rada puyeng Mbak soale kalau
nulis basa inggris saya lama sekali lho Mbak maklum heheh
Wallaaaahh eyoo lee lee.. Lha kok podho ra iso bahasa inggris tho yoo yoooo :-D
DeleteWah saya gak memperhatikan gambar di artikel
ReplyDeletesoalnya muncul gambarnya telat, tapi setelah posts
Ini terbuka semua. ternyata Fotonya Mbak Muya
Masya Allah ternyata Mbak Muya jujur deh Cantik
Banget...pasti dalem hatinya (Gombal) tapi saya mah jujur
Emang Mbak Muya Cantik Alami cuma Sayang .........next...hhh
Yaaa lajh gombal itu pastiii...kok bisa lelet gambarnya itu penyebsbnya apaa yaa??
DeleteHayyooo sayang ws tuwoo ngono thoo
Aku nggak bisa bahasa inggris, he he....my english is not good!
ReplyDeleteNice shared, and lam kenal aja dech!
Kang sun.. Here the same my english also not good
DeleteAku sangat suka dengan semua postingannya disini
ReplyDeletesemua dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris, walupun aku sendiri gak tahu artinya....Tapi mantap oke banget.
pantesan saja Google adsense sangat suka dengan blog ini
salam sukses selalu
Hmmm ini bukanya di sayang mas hehee.. Cuma di beri kesempatan..
DeleteTerima kasih atas semuanya mas...
Salam sukses juga
hemmm mw komen ap yh,,,, abis selain bingung abis bagus banget semua artikel dimari hihihi,,,salam kenal sukses selalu
ReplyDeleteKenal balik n terima kasih
Deletesetuju mbak :D bondo nekat, yen positif, olehe nikmat :D
ReplyDeletebhs. inggris nya bagus :)
Yooo mugo" entuk.e nikmat.. Matursuwun