Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Called a sweet family that's because
there is always a harmony
there is always a beauty
there is always happiness
there's a lot of affection
Among them is never disconnected from the name of the communication
Share their happiness and sadness
There is mutual understsnding
They rejoice together
they were discussing when there is a problem and can solve it
harmony that they have made a family to feel warm
they do anything to always help each other
support each other
Share inspiration
they keep each other feeling
Iiving among them are not going to make us miss the beauty of life
their lives worth be imitated
their lives makes life more vivid
keharmonisan dan komunikasi itu adalah sangat penting dalam keluarga Jagalah keharmonisan dan jangan sampai terputus dari komunikasi

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


smile,,, smile,,,smile,,,
always smile
A smile is a beautiful gift from GOD almighty
with a smile on the face can enhance your appearance
with a smile on the faces,, people who see it feel peaceful
whatever happens try to always smile
when we have a problem a smile also can relieve it
With a smile on our face that shows that we are able to undergo whatever happens
smiles are also included as part of the worship
Because with a smile can make who see it feel happy
smile is the beauty for anyone who has it
try to always smile during our lives
try smiling like my sweet smile
Heee Heee Heee
usahakanlah selalu tersenyum selagi kita bisa
apapun yang terjadi
karena senyum adalah bagian dari keindahan yang kita miliki

Monday, October 21, 2013


Goodness is something that everyone wants
But goodness is not easily we get
in doing a thing...
Not necessarily result in better
But we can change it for the better
We have to learn from all the things to be better
By always trying to be better
although little by little we will achieve thing... it
In doing thing to get good it is not easy/free
we have to pay to assess themselves then strive to be better
we would be happy if what we are doing to get good results
we will be satisfied if what we do get better results
therefore in doing something that we should strive to get better results
dalam mengerjakan sesuatu mendapatkan hasil yang bagus itu adalah harapan semua orang
maka dari itu selalu berusahalah untuk menjadi lebih baik dari yang sebelumnya

Sunday, October 20, 2013


your presence is one of the ways your children can live in this world
You are affection very sincere
In giving love you were never expect anything in return
You give your affection with all your heart and soul
You both are very important for your children
YOU worked laboriously no matter the heat of the scorching sun and cold rain
all that for your children
And you take care of your children with great affection
YOU both tought how to do everything well
tought between good and bad
Even you sclod your children when they make mistakes
Because you want your children become a useful person
it all is a form of your affection
your affection incomparable
Berbaktilah kepada kedua orang tua karena perjuangan mereka hanya untuk kebahagiaaan dan kebaikan kits

Saturday, October 19, 2013


oooohhh the beauty of your light
Make wake wake up all living things
Make them know that new day come again
And make them aware that the previous day had passed
they were all very excited to welcome the arrival of your light
cock was crowing because your light
birds flick his wings because your light
flowers are blooming because your light
Your light makes everything wither be refreshed
Your light became a symbol of the start of a new day
keep smile in this morning
sambutlah pagi hari ini dengan senyuman manis